Asked about her parents’ reaction to her defiant educational journey, Dr. Winkfield replied: “My parents made it quite clear that if I went to college, they’d disown me, and they did. In fact, I only recently reconnected with my family, fueled in part by my brother’s untimely passing and my father being diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma. It was challenging—especially coming from such a large family—to branch out on my own, but it worked out.”

Karen M. Winkfield, MD, PhD
You really faced a hard decision, so good you took the decision to follow your heart and your mind. Sure not easy to leave your family, and not easy to see them after many years. Congratulations, you showed a strong faith in yourself, despite the arrogant and toxic position of the WT!
Great to see such an inspirational person free herself from the shackles imposed on the children of Jehovah’s Witnesses via false promises and incorrect teachings. I often imagine what gifts are “left on the table” by so many good people who have been caught in this cultish way of thinking. Well done and congratulations to Dr. Winkfield, for following her truth and path of service. The world is better for it.
For me the period that i get support from the JW religion it was enormous. All ‘born and raised up’ members has not any idea how cruel outside the world can be.
So even when it was not God His organisation, have learned a lot.
Today i use it to strenght me Faith. No any religion is from God however have points like Romans 10:2 wrote….
Willibrordus van der Weide, la crueldad del mundo no da credibilidad a ninguna religión. Todas las religiones son obra de Satanás y todas son inspiradas y manipuladas por el padres de la mentira y el engaño. Hay que admitir que en cada religión, por muy satánica (mentirosa) que sea, algo bueno tienen.Pero las religiones son negocios, eso son. Todas son falsas.
The whole thing about “higher education “ is a despicable con. On the one hand, it’s frowned upon but on the other hand the Witchtower Babble and Crap society needs lawyers and many of these lawyers are born and bred into slavery and are welcomed by the Faithless and Despotic Slave class. They won’t their cake and eat it.
The so called Jehovah’s witnesses are a cult in every sense of the word and are a group of people that are begging for someone to tell them what to think and what to do. I grew up in a house where my mom was one of them and I know all about them and all of their stupidity. If they ever come to my door i will embarrass and argue and humiliate them all the way to their car and then all the way till i cant keep up w their car no more. If you try to debate w them they always run away. FUKK THEM ALL I hate them
It’s utterly wicked how this religion severs the most intimate of natural bonds, that of the family.