Note: The following story has since been updated. It has been confirmed that this is a “former community member” —a shocking incident. The mother was seven months pregnant.
Officers of the peace are reported to have found people with gunshot wounds on the ground floor, and heard a shot from an upper floor and found a fatally wounded person upstairs who has been assumed to be the shooter. Police did not have to use their firearms. The investigation continues as the death count climbs in the news, as six brothers and sisters had been reported dead, now eight (with or without the perpetrator, unknown).
According to NPR,
Two witnesses interviewed on n-tv television, whose names weren’t given, said they heard 12 shots.
Police had no information on the event that was under way in the building when the shooting took place.
They also had no immediate information on a possible motive. Vehren said that “the background is still completely unclear.”
Hamburg Mayor Peter Tschentscher tweeted that the news was “shocking” and offered his sympathy to the victims’ relatives.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are part of an international church, founded in the United States in the 19th century and headquartered in Warwick, New York. It claims a worldwide membership of about 8.7 million, with about 170,000 in Germany.
Members are known for their evangelistic efforts that include knocking on doors and distributing literature in public squares.
Image Jonas Walzberg/dpa via AP
“Several were killed in a shooting at a Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Hall in Germany” NPR
Updates to follow via Rick’s Six Screens on Saturday night, live. Stay up late with ApostaBabe Linda James (our favorite “apostate”) for the post-debrief discourse.
Source: Google News (
What kind of gun would it take to kill and maim so many victims at a time? This is no ordinary shooting. Perhaps it is a case of the evil Watchtowerland god wanting more human blood sacrifices, for whatever reason(s). Someone has to say it.
E’ la tua setta che ha provocato tutto questo, fattene una ragione. Chi semina vento, raccoglie tempesta.
What kind of gun would it take to kill and maim so many victims at a time? This is no ordinary shooting. Perhaps it is a case of the evil Watchtowerland god wanting more human blood sacrifices, for whatever reason(s). Someone has to say it.
E’ la tua setta che ha provocato tutto questo, fattene una ragione. Chi semina vento, raccoglie tempesta.