The following videos are some of Barbara’s growing collection that she is recommending to her readers. Many, but not all, include appearances or commentary by Barbara and/or Joe Anderson.
Other Media Links
Barbara and Joe Anderson interviewed on WKRN-TV News 2, at 6 PM on September 5, 2002. Also appeared twice on WSMV–TV News 4, September 5, 2002, first at 5 PM and at 6 PM.
- “Growing Up With Jehovah,” a Swiss TV program aired in French in November, 2010 with the Andersons discussing child abuse (copyright video in French language available on site)
- Child sex-abuse activist Anderson interviewed on national TV show on church allegations – Tullahoma News and Guardian
- UNADFI – French anti-cult organization covers Barbara’s 2009 European Tour
- Woman Says Church Covering Up Sexual Abuse – WSMV Nashville
- Appeared in an expose’ about secret out-of-court settlements by the Watchtower on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams that aired November 21, 2007.