Dorothy rafuse

Dorothy rafuse

Thank you for your honesty. All Jehovah’s witness have spoken to us since April 2012 watchtower article on shunning



I meant Not spoken



Very informative. It is clear now that none of the gb ever wrote anything. For an org that puts women down it is remarkable (and hypocritical) that it is too keen to use womens intellect to give the message. Its a damn wonder they don’t blame the ‘writers’ when some policy goes belly up and they have to change course.

Brice Repolt

Brice Repolt

Like the Old Man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz, the GB is nothing more than a front, a self-proclaimed, self-appointed spiritual “Slave” whom arrogantly takes credit for producing inedible “spiritual swill” masquerading as genuine “spiritual food”, creating illusions and false hope to mislead non-thinking JWs while punitively exercising strict controls over its members. Thank you for sharing some of your experiences while at Bethel. Note: my brother, Dominique Repolt, slaved in the 8th floor bindery from July ’71 to July ’75. Was very good friends with Timothy Galfas who later performed his marriage ceremony at the Bethel Kingdom Hall. Similar to your comment about “publicity”, he once said that at Bethel “your keep your eyes and ears open but your mouth shut”, a military style “don’t ask, don’t tell”! He referred to his leaving, after 4 years of hell, as “making parole”, providing an inkling of his deep ‘love’ for the place. Thank you again Barbara for your tireless efforts in keeping us informed, shedding light on the sinister darkness behind the Tower’s walls. Live, love and laugh as often as you can!

James Hill

James Hill

I was a pioneer in the Middle Village congregation and Dominique was a good service partner and a dear friend who I miss 50 years after his premature death.

Average Joe

Average Joe

A lovely but sad story Barbara and I’m sorry that your family has shunned you. As an active JW and elder I had no idea you could be disfellowshipped for just questioning the WTS policies. I agree with you 100% that their Child Abuse policy (or lack of) is horrendous. The official U.S. branch policy letter to the Aussie Branch (available on the Royal Commission site as evidence so it can in no way be classed as apostate material/lies) saying that an elder or servant would not necessarily loose his privileges if he had abused children in the past made me furious. I know how I would act if I came across such scum, no matter what the WTS say. The safety of the flock comes before any WTS policy. I for one am a decent human being and having no professional training in psychology or counselling victims of the abuse, I would encourage them to go straight to the police and even offer to accompany them to give them my full support, no matter what the consequences for me would be. I think current witnesses need to be directed to the site of Royal Australian Commission for the Prevention of Child Abuse so they can see for themselves the scope of the problem.
Thanks for all the articles you’ve written and hard work in researching them. I know you did it for the good of the brothers & sisters and I for one appreciate them. It is very sad to see how there are such double standards on the part of men who claim to be God’s representatives. Look at Sam Herd who’s still wearing his Rolex. It may well be a gift but that falls under “showy display of ones means of life” and stumbles me far more than me wearing a beard would “stumble” the GB!
Anyway, I’m a firm believer that Jehovah God WILL bring about Armageddon and thanks to him being able to read hearts will see that all those good people in the entire world will get to live in a paradise earth forever, whilst those falsely representing him or abusing their power get their just punishment.
Chin up Barbara. Hugs. AJ



Nice letter Average Joe…. it’s too bad that more elders don’t have your views on the relationship between conscience and mindlessly, robotically following the rules of men. This type of balance would result in huge improvements in the so-called “Spiritual Paradise”, a misnomer if there ever was one! Thank you for sharing!

Srećko Šoštar

Srećko Šoštar

Dear Barbara and Joe, greetings 🙂
Thank you for sharing this valuable insight. Love and peace let be with you !



Thanks for sharing this Barb! Also for all the work you have done and do.Much more for courage to stand up for truth ! I hope that one day your son will realize what all this was about and find the way back to you.This fight is not in vain because it’s fight for the truth and truth set people free !!! This apply to Average Joe as well ! agape to all



HI, I´ve been an “inactive” JW for 12 years now. I´ve been curious enough to read “apostate” material on the Internet just recently. I have some questions though. My first and foremost question is: If the WT Organisation is just out for its member`s money and if the goal is to get even more money from getting more people becoming JWs, then WHERE does all of that money go to??? Do the GB members eat caviar and drink Champagne for dinner? They all live in Bethel, or do they live in mansions with swimming pools? I asume most of them don´t even have children so that one couldn´t say that their children will inherit all of those millions of Dollars and live a good life in the Caribbean later (or even now). I just don´t understand the GOAL of the GB if they don´t really use this money for themselves (or their children). I always thought that ALL of the contributions go BACK into supporting the preaching work and maintenance of the buildings world wide, and into printing the publications. Since all other work is volunteer work the workers don´t get paid. Please explain how the GB live and what they personally spend on themselves, if you can. I am very confused since this is all new to me what “apostates” are writing about the organisation. I´ve been one of those that accepted everything the “faithful and discreet slave” published without any doubts. I am inactive but up till now I still believed that JW have the truth about the Bible and the future. But now I really want to know the “truth”. I am really really troubled. Thank you in advance for your answer.



Dear Linda,I’m not insider as Barbara even my comment doesn’t intend to replace her response.
But as active JW born to the religion 3 & 4 generation I have some idea where the money goes.The “creature” we created eats them all.And the creature is org with all facets good and bad.Overhead,administration,litigation and layers fees of shameful pedophilia cases included….etc…millions needed for that on annual bases
I don’t think that GB members prevision or current does live lavish life style in opulence which may be seen in some other religion leaderships , world of business or politics.
Maybe some of GB guys have their “bad” lapses time to time on the other side nobody probably never seen report of personal expenditures of these guys.But for sure they have great life all inclusive good acre and vine included.:-)
So simply because there is no transparency in finances of JW not at least towards own members or general public it hard to figure out where the money goes.If assuming in good faith all “revenue money” are predominately spent back on org. portfolio and expanding and building new head world quarters etc…
But maybe one day we will be shock and some scandal will shake faith of many.never say never…. hope not.
This is just my humble personal opinion on the matter I have been thinking like you about it many times before.
Maybe other will have more inside.
best wishes,



This is not a question but a comment. My eyes got really big when I saw Harry Peloyan’s name mentioned in this article. We attended the same congregation in Brooklyn. I really admired and respected him. His talks were mesmerizing. He was so charismatic. I really miss him.
I got all choked up seeing his name.

Jo Joel

Jo Joel

Hi, my name is Joel. This short email is in response to your comment at the and that says: “I realize that I’ll never be able to unravel the mysteries of life…” I personally believe that you will with the help of that book. I would be very happy if I could get a response, but I am already used not to! Kind regards, I enjoyed all your articles! Joel

Lang Stallings

Lang Stallings

I just googled Dominique Repolt, my best friend when we lived in Forest Hills in the late fifties and early sixties. I remember his older brother Brice, and that he lived and worked at Bethel. I didn’t know that Dominique had also worked there, but we had long lost touch by then. I remember when the family, sans father, were converting and the interesting conversations Dominique and I, a nominal presbyterian at the time, had. They may be retired from the faith many years now but however long it’s been I wish then the best.

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