Child Abuse in Canada

The attached PDF contains a collection of letters from an elder to the Watchtower about child abuse practices in Canada. The collection also includes the responses he received from the Watchtower’s Writing Department in New York, USA and also the Canadian Branch Office of the Watchtower Society.

Readers will note that dates, names, and some specifics have been removed from these documents. However, close inspection will make it clear that these exchanges took place some time during the mid and late 1990s.

You may read and/or download for future reference. It is clear from these exchanges that child abuse has not only prevalent in the United States for the Watchtower, but is also a nagging problem within congregations in Canada, the United Kingdom, and most other countries managed by Watchtower branches throughout the world. Something is clearly very wrong with guidelines and policies that Jehovah’s Witnesses must live with.

These letters are unique in ways that bring up other issues connected with the handling of child abuse cases within congregations. Does the Watchtower really follow through to make sure that local elders are acting in ways that are lawful and meet legal guidelines? How do they really treat those brothers who report pedophiles and/or inappropriate behavior toward children? Does the Watchtower act swiftly when improper behavior or lack of action by elders is reported to them?

While these letters are now several years old, many of the issues mentioned by the writer are still unresolved. We are sure that you will find that they remain timely and appropriate to this discussion.


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