Watchtower document downloads from the 1800s:
- 1831 The Gospel Anchor vol 1 [to be replaced]
- 1832 The Gospel Anchor vol 2 editor Henry Grew
- 1833 The Gospel Anchor vol 3 editor Henry Grew
- 1840-1841 Sign of the Times volume 1 24 issues J.V.Himes
- 1840 Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ
- 1840 Operations Carried Out at the Pyramids of Gizeh Vol 01 Howa
- 1840 Operations Carried Out at the Pyramids of Gizeh Vol 02 Howa
- 1840 William Miller Chart
- 1841 Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ
- 1842 Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ
- 1842 Midnight Cry Volume 1
- 1842 Midnight Cry Vol 1 nr2bw
- 1842 Midnight Cry Vol 2 nr1bw
- 1842 Midnight Cry Vol 2 nr2bw
- 1842 Operations Carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh V. 3
- 1842 William Miller Dissertations text
- 1842 William Miller Views of the Prophecies
- 1843 The Bible Examiner
- 1843-1844 Western Midnight Cry vol 2
- 1843 Bible Examiner Storrs
- 1843 Midnight CryVol 2 nr5 and 6bw
- 1843 Midnight Cry Volume 4-Number 03
- 1843 Midnight Cry Vol 2 nr11 and 12bw
- 1843 Midnight Cry Vol 2 nr13bw contains The return of the Jews By Geo Storrs
- 1843 Midnight Cry Vol 2 nr3 and 4bw
- 1843 Midnight Cry Vol 2 nr7 and 8bw
- 1843 Midnight Cry Vol 2 nr9 and 10bw
- 1844-1845 Western Midnight Cry vol 4 nr5-13
- 1844 Advent Herald Volume 8 issues 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,11a
- 1844 History Of The Second Advent Believers
- 1844 Western Midnight Cry vol 3
- 1845 Day-Star vol 5
- 1845 Day-Star vol 6
- 1847 Horae Apocalypticae vol 1
- 1847 Horae Apocalypticae vol 2
- 1847 Horae Apocalypticae vol 3
- 1847 Horae Apocalypticae vol 4
- 1850 Storrs The Watch Tower or Man In Death and the Hope of a Future Life
- 1851 The Age to Come J.Marsh text only
- 1853 The Coming Struggle Among the Nations By John Thomas
- 1853 Bliss Memoirs of William Miller
- 1854 Tracts on Prophecy 3 Worlds
- 1855 Old Paths About Conditionalism Hastings
- 1856 Six Sermons Storrs
- 1857 Spiritualism a Satanic Delusion and a Sign of the Times
- 1862 Youths Instructor Nov-V10-11 mentions Storrs
- 1862 – 1950 Watchtower John and Morton Edgar [to be replaced]
- 1864 The Battle Of The Standards John Taylor
- 1867 Life and Work at the Great Pyramid 02 Smyth bw
- 1867 Life and Work at the Great Pyramid Smyth vol 1
- 1867 Life and Work at the Great Pyramid Vol 3
- 1867 Life Work at Great Pyramid 01 Smyth bw
- 1870 Papers on the Great Pyramid John V Day
- 1870 Photography at the Great Pyramid Smyth
- 1871 A Critical Greek and English Concordance
- 1871 Evidences For Coming Lord 1873 Barbour
- 1872 The Apostacy Unveiled Thomas-Watts
- 1874 History of the Second Advent Message
- 1874 Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid smyth
- 1874-1876 Herald of the Morning
- 1874 Cross-Imperial Bible Dictionary 376-378
- 1875-1880 Herald of the Morning Assorted
- 1875 Sign of the Times July 15 V01-No36 Barbour mentioned
- 1876 Bible Examiner Russell
- 1876 The Pillar of Witness Tracey
- 1877 Advent Christian Times Barbour Russell
- 1877 Object Manner Our Lord’s Return
- 1877 The Three Worlds
- 1877 Advent Christian Times Barbour Russell
- 1877 A Miracle in Stone Seiss Text
- 1877 Restitution Oct 10 1877 Barbour article
- 1878 A Miracle in Stone Seiss
- 1878 Seola
- 1878 Herald of the Morning
- 1879-1916 Watch Tower Journals
- 1879 Herald of the Morning
- 1879 The Great pyramid Septimus Marks
- 1880 Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid smyth
- 1880 The Day Dawn 2 by Paton
- 1880s Poems Comforted Of God WT
- 1881 The Scientific Religious Discoveries Smyth Wilson
- 1883 The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh Flinders
- Petrie
- 1884 The International Standard
- 1884 New Measures of Pyramid Smyth (address of Edgar in writing)
- 1884 The Theocratic Kingdom
- 1886 The International Standard Black and white
- 1886 The Storrs Family ***NEW***
- 1886 The Plan of the Ages 1905 Edition
- 1888 The Great Pyramid Proctor
- 1889 Rutherford photo in The National Stenographer
- 1889 The Time Is At Hand 1902 edition
- 1890 The Wonderful Story by Maria Russell
- 1890 Thy Kingdom Come 1898 edition
- 1891 MD Thy Kingdom Come 1st Ed
- 1892 Thy Word Is Truth 3 by WT
- 1892-1909 Brooklyn Daily Eagle NY 1909 and before
- 1892 Vailan or Annular Theory Vail-Bowers
- 1894 WT Extra A Conspiracy Exposed
- 1897 Moulton Geden Concordance J-20 in Kingdom Interlinear
- 1897 Court Record of Rutherford appt. as judge
- 1897 Court Record of J. F. Rutherford appt. as judge (same as above w/ deciphered version)
- 1899 Tabernacle Shadows of the better Sacrifice
- 1899 The At-one-ment Between God and Man (1910)
Plan of the Ages
1886 The Plan of the Ages 1905 Edition