Governing body policies inadvertently protecting pedophiles

In 1991, the Awake! magazine included an article on surviving child abuse, which triggered a stunning response: Thousands of abuse survivors contacted the Watchtower. Some claimed they had been molested by elders, others by friends and family members. “It was awful,” said Anderson, who personally fielded phone calls from some victims.

She discovered the governing body had specific protocols for dealing with molestation. Elders were supposed to notify the Witnesses’ legal department if they learned of abuse by sending the information to New York in a special blue envelope. Victims were required to recount their allegations in front of their abusers, and produce two eyewitnesses who could support their claims. Discipline was handled internally.

“By their policies, they were inadvertently protecting pedophiles,” Anderson said.

Barbara Anderson, meanwhile, decided to go public with her knowledge about the Witnesses’ untold abuse stories, and appeared on an episode of the NBC show Dateline in 2002. She and her husband were condemned by the Witnesses’ leaders and disfellowshipped.

“I’d had enough,” she said. “I thought: ‘What kind of people are you? How can you be God’s organization?’ “

Photo by MARK HUMPHREY / AP file photo “Barbara and Joe Anderson, shown at their Tullahoma, Tenn., home in 2002, were disfellowshipped by Witness leaders after they spoke publicly about the religion’s systemic child sex abuse problems.”

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José Angel Bohorquez R.

José Angel Bohorquez R.

La organización de los testios de Jehová, aunque proclaman ser la organización terrestre de Dios, los hechos demuestran que eso no es cierto y que son más bien una organización de Satanas. Los hechos son la enorme cantidad de mentiras comprobadas y comprobables en las publicaciones. Todo mentiroso es satánico.

Rosalba di Stefano

Rosalba di Stefano

SO good Barbara, after your discoveries about the procedures used by WT’s leaders to protect themselves in case of molestations and abuses. I understand you: how could an upright person continue to stay in this organization after such discoveries? In fact those leaders do not care at all of people, they just care of their position and their claim to holiness.
I’m deeply disgusted of that organization! Rosy

Al Smith

Al Smith

Unlike many who still excuse the wicked actions of this cult, you did the right thing Barbara, in exposing them for the lying hypocrites they are. The world is a much better place because of people like you. Thank you for this site! Also, all the best wishes for this New Year. May you continue to be blessed and prosper always.

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