Watch “Formerly Fundamentalist” by Mike Musikanto — Official Selection Bushwick Film Festival 2020
Isaac, a former Jehovah’s Witness and founder of the group, Formerly Fundamentalist, attempts to reunite with his devout daughter after years of being shunned by his family and faith based community.
Formerly Fundamentalist sounds like a great group for healing to happen. This man relates a poignant experience all too common in the high control religion known as Jehovah’s Witnesses. My heart goes out to him and others who experience “shunning” by beloved family members upon leaving the jws.
Oscar Chott
That religion is the most ridiculous of all of them with their “i am better than you” attitude. Wonder what God thinks of those idiots. Religion ALL RELIGION is a tool of the devil to divide. Religion is also unbelievably the #1 cause of war.
Formerly Fundamentalist sounds like a great group for healing to happen. This man relates a poignant experience all too common in the high control religion known as Jehovah’s Witnesses. My heart goes out to him and others who experience “shunning” by beloved family members upon leaving the jws.
That religion is the most ridiculous of all of them with their “i am better than you” attitude. Wonder what God thinks of those idiots. Religion ALL RELIGION is a tool of the devil to divide. Religion is also unbelievably the #1 cause of war.
How ya like that?