Caring people who manage the website, Advocates for Jehovah’s Witness Reform on Blood, ( ajwrb.org) have published an important new article titled “Treating Jehovah’s Witness COVID-19 Patients with Convalescent Blood Products.” The article addresses a means for Jehovah’s Witnesses with COVID-19 to benefit from a treatment consistently cited by medical authorities for its potential to save lives. (https://covidplasma.org/)
What most JW’s do not understand is that they are permitted to accept all plasma “fractions.” (See the 2011 article, Deadly Theology, on this website, https:// watchtowerdocuments.org/ deadly-theology/ where permitt ed plasma-derived fractions are discussed.)
The information in the AJWRB article has the potential to save lives if it reaches the ears of the right people. It’s a sad reality that JW Hospital Information Services is well aware that there is a treatment alternative, a “fraction” of plasma within WT theology, but nothing is said for reasons discussed in the article. So it is left to a group of former members and dissidents to get the word out.
The following LINK will take you to the article mentioned in the above post at AJWRB.org: