Shocking Doctrinal Changes in 2024 Governing Body Update #2

Revised interpretations of three scriptures prompt organizational changes, accompanied by a recent decision regarding dress attire made by the Governing Body (aka Jehovah).


Written by Miss Usato first published March 15, 2024

On March 15th, 2024, Governing Body Member Mark Sanderson, sporting a full beard conducted the Governing Body update #2 on the organization’s site. A change already recently occurred with the Governing Body update on December 15th, 2023, on the matter of men wearing beards being a personal choice- since there was no scriptural standing for it in the first place. Now this update is regarding women’s attire, greeting Disfellowshipped ones, Committees for baptized minors, and Apostates.

What Sanderson addresses causes big changes for the doctrinal practices they have strictly held firm on for many years. Below is the full 20-minute video, along with a breakdown of the video’s subject matters by the minute, quoting Mark Sanderson throughout. 

Mark Sanderson brings up the changes according to new understandings of 3 scriptures, and then some. He says that the Governing Body has realized “A pattern set for them to analyze from Jehovah.”

Beginning of Update:

2 Peter 3:9  “Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.”

Mark Sanderson bringing this scripture up is intended to show how merciful, patient, kind,  and understanding Jehovah can be  “So it’s not surprising that throughout the Bible record, we find Jehovah appealing to sinners repenting. He wants those to return.” Sanderson points out how Cain showed murderous hatred, but Jehovah reached out to him. When David sinned, Jehovah’s prophet Nathan led David to repentance. With Israel,  Jehovah kept appearing to them even though they showed no desire to change.

“While Jehovah does not force anyone to repent of his sins, he shows great compassion and has gone to great lengths to lead sinners to repent if at all possible.

Have you found yourself thinking a lot about Jehovah’s mercy? Well so has the Governing Body. By prayerful study, meditation, and discussions we focused our attention on how Jehovah has dealt with people who have engaged in serious sin. 

The Governing body has reflected a clearer understanding of wrongdoers in the congregation-“

More at original article, posted here: