

Was he ever in the SS.?



Probably, but reading through this article nearly brought on a panic attack as I recalled the thick and nausea-inducing atmosphere of the Kingdom Halls and JW-life. Careful, that tie may be a bit too wide to wear; that hairstyle is just too worldly. This same fear-of-man attitude was also reflected in other evangelical religions where a local pastor’s reign of fear and intimidation guided flock to starve themselves and suppress individuality.

In defense of his aloof air at Bethel, the man probably was too keenly aware that despite the label of “God’s organization” he was surrounded by ambitious and scheming MEN and WOMEN who would push their parents or children overboard into the cold Atlantic if it meant a promotion up the Watchtower’s career ladder. A show of affilation with someone in a hallway might turn into an accusation of favoritism.

I would agree that a Christian conscience is the best guide, if one has been trained to use it, or is training it by Holy Spirit, but last time I checked [which brings on waves of nausea and vomiting] Watchtower literature, Holy Spirit serving as a guide or trainer is a “no-no” because the GB is replacing HS. The weird thing in the Watchtower’s perverse obsession with pulling up Mosaic Law practices and covenants, somehow the varied approaches to atonement sacrifice don’t seem relevant as a reality that God–if exists–has many paths to atonement.

David Woroniuk

David Woroniuk

I found this very intresting and quite amazing at the same time ,i decided to research in to jaracz as i was recently telling my friend about when i met him in ukraine in the early 90’s , i was brought up JW in the uk , my father was a 1st gen Ukrainian, when the soveit union colapsed me and my family drove there in a moto home , while we was there they was having a massive convention, maybe why we went at that particular time ( i was 9 so a little hazey ) my father was involved in the planning and he helpped fund it ,
While this convention was happening i got to meet jaracz ,now as young JW i looked up to the GB like super heros , so i was super excited to meet him espeacily as i always fancied myself as one of the 1440000 , now meeting him was a let down ive always been pretty good at reading people even at that age ,when i was waiting to met him he was all happy shaking hands but when i met him and shaked his hand he was almost scared of me , we had a moment where i looked at him in his eyes and he melted he was clearly scared of me for some reason , and as soon as i brought up the 144000 he quickly got away from me literaly shrugging my hand away ,
Now this meeting has stuck me like yesterday for nearly 30 years , afterwards i told my mum and dad that i felt he was demonized, they laughed it off saying no way he GB , but i know what i saw and felt ,i scrutinised the neeting in my head trying to work out what i did wrong , i even came to conclusion that i was the evil bad one and he seen the devil in me , and now i read this article and i think i seen the devil in him and he knew it

Lawrae Babka

Lawrae Babka

David Woroniuk, what an amazing boy you were at age 9 to be able to see so completely through him that it freaked him out! Likely he felt you had observed him and looking into his eyes saw something that was at least extremely distasteful if not evil. Maybe you would not have taken much more of it, but his reaction and fear of you definitely seem to clinch and verify your findings. I’m sorry your parents didn’t listen to you. It seems we should be grateful that you didn’t run into him again, although that would have been interesting, for sure. Anyway, I enjoyed this article and comments immensely as Bethel life in general is so secret but also such an exalted life, it was my dream to end up there, thankfully I am where I am today! The loving sweet older brother we see in the old videos is definitely not what he seemed and was portrayed as!! This is very non-faith strengthening, thank you! Very well written, thoughtful, organized article!

Brant Jones

Brant Jones

Good read. Jaracz like Knorr was a mean spirited arrogant ass. I met both, liked neither.

What was his viewpoint of the dalliance of the WT with the UN?



‘At one Gilead graduation at the beautiful Jersey City Assembly Hall, Jaracz showed the audience slides of thousands of people in Poland assembling for the first time at a convention. His voice expressed so much emotion that the audience was uncomfortable. We thought he was crying. Afterwards, some observed that he didn’t know a soul in that Polish audience, but he was visually moved just seeing them at a convention. However, through his actions, it was obvious he was unmoved and unappreciative of those who came to Bethel to volunteer their services, but became emotional about people he would never know just because they were becoming JWs.’

They were his roots. ‘Jaracz is a Polish-language surname.’

Victor Byrd

Victor Byrd

I always suspected he and FW Franz butted heads from a Bethel family lecture Franz gave taking blame for 1975 fiasco.

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