

lts a lot to take in
What a hard worker you are and appreciated
Lovely thanks Barbara

Vincent Law

Vincent Law

Very helpful and informative. Excuse my butting in what i have not been able to find in my own research.What I want to know have there been many political doners that have steered the wtbts. I would like to get a look at the invisible hand. Whether any deals where struck particularly as I theorise that the wtbts is a pressure group for unknown doners.
I would like to start with Olin Moyle’s legal papers that are archived at Stanford.
I have to pursue this line I do not believe it was all done for the theocracy.

Janet M. Walker

Janet M. Walker

Thank you so much for confirming my practice of writing that key word in two different ways. Your research and attention to detail are refreshing in our increasingly illiterate and academically lazy society. God bless you for all the work you’ve done over the years.



My husband listened. Really listened for the first time tonight. Because I showed him a you tube of you at family night at Bethel, then showed him your site. He has NEVER been more attentive than to your story and what you did! It was the break that I needed. I’ve been struggling alone with this, with him hiding his head in the sand. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD HARD WORK. <3



I need to find those video’s and show them to my husband.



Yes I also want to see



This is helpful information. Thanks Barbara!

One question: Does anyone know when the “Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Inc.” came about?

Much appreciated!

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