BBC Interview: Growing Up a JW – the Facts

Jeremy Vine, a featured interviewer for the UK’s BBC media network, invited former Jehovah’s Witness Naomi Rowling to share her childhood and life experiences. Her honest and revealing life story is very similar to those of thousands of JW children past and present.

During the interview, Ms. Rowling is calm, clear and precise in her recollection of her childhood experiences. She explains how her life lacked opportunity, outside relationships and holidays. She also provides a very clear and somewhat alarming overview of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ beliefs and their organization. She stays on subject and remains focused throughout. Very few short interviews offer such a high level of revealing and accurate information.

Link to the original BBC online article and audio. (The unedited clip is also available below – © 2016 BBC)

Debra Green

Debra Green

Great interview so glad you posted it. She explains it very well. Hope her children got out also.

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